"you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you."
lightning streaks the sky
without thunder, no rain
but wind
"....like heaven to touch
i want to hold you so much."
two hands on the wheel to keep my car in my lane
"all the super hits of 1967 and this next one's for a listener
in weed california, and lucy, back in ohio and george and all the boys out
in hawaii who wrote in and requested, this song."
red light blinks left merges left even with me
i change lanes and slow down a little let him pass
"then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid
i love you."
and all the red tail lights down the hill in front of me
and lots of static
and the white lights, the pack behind me
descending upon me
into my rearview mirror
and it doesn't matter whether i am first in line
"go faster daddy, pass that car too," like when i was a kid.
"you go out dancing just like you did the night before."
two hands on the wheel to keep bruce in line
and to concentrate, stop thinking
get home through the storm
i am very happy now happier than i've been in a long time
"and then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid
like...i love you."
i couldn't stand to see you gone.
"right after this message,
have you heard the dirt on dorris?"
i wouldn't want to live here alone.
but still i worry
though there's no reason for it there's nothing wrong.
again the sky is lit
still no thunder no rain no hail as before
leaving brown scum on the road like old, dirty snow
more static
the smell of white fur on the dash and the heater
and a mile and a half to go
"but if you stay
i'll make you a day as no day has been or will be again."
i change lanes once
then twice
signal right to exit
almost home.